08 agosto 2007

La interpretación del mensaje.

Queridas vacaciones. Momento supremo en la vida del hombre en el cual uno se despreocupa del reloj, el móvil, el despreciable sonido del despertador matutino, o un largo etc. de cosas que nos atan a una realidad que generalmente rechazamos aunque sea de manera inconsciente.

Esto, tiene otro efecto beneficioso y es que uno lee la prensa con ese gusto que el día a día no nos deja y se fija en noticias que ni leemos por falta de interés o tiempo y que en las santas vacaciones nos resultan interesantes.

De cualquier modo, y aunque uno pone de por medio 800 kilómetros la realidad de Euskadi y Navarra sigue presente en todos los medios de comunicación y en todos los días desde que llevo aquí en este descanso estival, y es que con la constitución del Parlamento Foral de Navarra han corrido demasiadas tintas y minutos en los medios de información. Es obvio que los ciudadanos navarros decidieron el 27 de mayo lo que quieren para sus instituciones, otra cosa es lo que los partidos interpretamos del resultado final. Me viene a la memoria la celebre frase de “ He entendido el mensaje” de Felipe González en el año 1993 y ya sabemos cual fue el resultado en la siguientes elecciones celebradas en el año 1996. Esto es harto demostrativo de cuando uno interpreta mal los mensajes que le manda el elector. Por tanto, hagamos bien la lectura de los hechos y avancemos o de lo contrario lo pagaremos cuando corresponda.

419 comentarios:

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Anónimo dijo...

Absolutamente de acuerdo Alfonso.
Pero yo me voy a mojar mas. En Navarra vamos a desaparecer.


Anónimo dijo...

De acuerdo Alfonso.

Ekain Rico dijo...


Un abrazo


Anónimo dijo...

bien hablado si señor yo estaba afiliado al pp desde hacia 8 años y me borre porque escuche una conversacion de gente de mi partido y me han engañado es todo falso y su politica es unicamente referente a eta incluso hay algun amenazado que hizo pintadas contra el mismo y dijo que habian sido unos jovenes con aspecto radical para asi mantiene sus escoltas

Anónimo dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

Estimada Compañera, "no habeis entendido el mensaje ni de lejos"... Votar PSN no es votar (PNV, EA, etc..), son idearios incompatibles.. otra cosa es que los compatibiliceis por motivos de mera "política de poder".

¿que ideas comunes para Navarra teneis ambos 2, 1 partido Navarro y un conglomerado de partidos vascos?

Otra cosa son las ganas de "trincar" aunque te suene mal.

En Navarra no vais a desaparecer pero el palo que os van a meter va a ser como decís vosotros de "aupa".. pero no por NO PACTAR si no por INTENTAR PACTAR con quienes os votaron, seguramente, no desean pactar..

¿que pretendeis? reeditar el tripartito catalan, vasco o ahora galego (con los nenes en las galogoskolas cantando el "caraalsol galego")?


Firma: Ex-votante PSOE, futuro votante UPD.

P.D. Al anonimo ex-PP.. claro.. si hombre..., y a los que asesinan en Euskady.. ¿se pegan tiros ellos mismos?...

Anónimo dijo...

& de Junio de 1993: ¿No fue ese día cuando se comenzó a preparar el 11M?

Anónimo dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

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Creo que es muy cierto algo del titulo, siempre las personas le dan dos interpretaciones a la informacion recibida, por eso es bueno en todo documento ser bastante explicito

Unknown dijo...


Writing is dificult enough for most of us, but if you're autistic it presents a different set of problems. Kevin Cann, himself autistic, has posted some thoughts on the issue, using his friend's blog to host the essay (18 November).

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What's the novel about? Nick Dowty is 'trapped in a happy marriage, and staggering beneath the burden of being a good husband and a loving father'. But disaster strikes. What is the half life of a nuclear family in those circumstances? One hour? A week?

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By the way, those of you who read a great deal on-screen may be glad of a tip that I came across a year or two ago. Right click on the Windows desktop, then go properties>appearance tab>effects. In the dialog box, tick 'Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts' and select Clear Type.

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

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Unknown dijo...


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Akai.Shuu dijo...

The Fox and the Hound is a 1967 novel written by Daniel P. Mannix and illustrated by John Schoenherr.
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It follows the lives of Tod, a red fox raised by a human for the first year of his life, and Copper, a half-bloodhound dog owned by a local hunter, referred to as the Master.
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After Tod causes the death of the man's favorite hound, man and dog relentlessly hunt the fox, against the dual backdrops of a changing human world and Tod's normal life in hunting for food, seeking a mate, and defending his territory.
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The Master ignores Copper to heap praise on Chief and Copper's hatred and jealousy grow.

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Tod is a red fox pup, raised as a pet by one of the human hunters who killed his mother and litter mates. Tod initially enjoys his life, but when he reaches sexual maturity he returns to the wild. During his first year, he begins establishing his territory, and learns evasion techniques from being hunted by local farm dogs.
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Robert Ramsey of the Placerville, California, Mountain Democrat thought the book worthy of winning the Dutton award, characterizing the narrative as "always interesting" and principal characters Tod and Copper as "unforgettable", while praising Mannix's "ability to enter into the world of animals and portray it".[2] A reviewer for the Catholic Library World considered it an "memorable and delightful reading experience" written by a man "who knows the ways of foxes".[15]
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Writing is dificult enough for most of us, but if you're autistic it presents a different set of problems. Kevin Cann, himself autistic, has posted some thoughts on the issue, using his friend's blog to host the essay (18 November).

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I have trouble with cutting toe nails, washing my hair, but I do not use any aids to make it easier. I have the most amazing partner who will cut my toe nails is learning how to give pedicures, and will rub mousturiser into my legs. He will come into the shower with me to help me wash my hair and to ensure that I do not slip over. It is lovely to be pampered, especially on the days when you are so so sore that nothing you do or take seems to be working.

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What's the novel about? Nick Dowty is 'trapped in a happy marriage, and staggering beneath the burden of being a good husband and a loving father'. But disaster strikes. What is the half life of a nuclear family in those circumstances? One hour? A week?

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What's the novel about? Nick Dowty is 'trapped in a happy marriage, and staggering beneath the burden of being a good husband and a loving father'. But disaster strikes. What is the half life of a nuclear family in those circumstances? One hour? A week?

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At the age of eight he was a keen swimmer,[7] and for much of his life he taught local children to swim.[8] Lambert's paternal uncle—like his father—also worked with animals, but as a professional gamekeeper; his maternal grandfather was a breeder of champion fighting cocks.[6] Lambert grew up with a strong interest in field sports,[6] and was particularly fond of otter hunting, fishing, shooting and horse racing.[9] From his early teens Lambert was a keen sportsman[6] and by his late teens he was considered an expert in the breeding of hunting dogs.[10]

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